
Kitten Training With A Clicker

Kitten Training With A Clicker,kittens in your life, funny cat
Clicker training is a reinforcement or reward for a kitten when training them, Clickers are use most often for support when training a kitten for a reward, kittens associate the clicker with a good behavior they will use for a long time.

 Clicker training is associated with classical condition
(they associate the sound with food.) and operant conditioning (kitten performs movement to receive food).

Why use a clicker and not tell a 
kitten or make a sound to get your kitten to do a trick? A clicker has a sound a kitten can hear and associate good behavior. With words, our tones in our voice can change from time to time, which a kitten can become confused with the training. With talking for the commands, a kitten could mistake the commands. With using a clicker, it is more of a training tool to get the behavior started with the kitten. Then you can put the clicker away for that behavior or trick once a kitten has learned the behavior

When taking the 
kitten out for a walk or on a trip, the clicker is a good item to carry along with you. kittens can get distracted with other people, or animals in the area. With using the clicker, it will reinforce the behavior that you have taught them. In addition, a clicker can help you with having your kitten walk with you instead of wondering around.

With the clicker, a 
kitten can be trained using three easy steps: Get a behavior, mark a behavior, and reinforce the behavior. Get a behavior is the first step. A good example would be for the kitten to jump a hoop. The kitten will have to know that when you click that they get a treat. Start with very small treats in your pocket. Clicks, Treat, Click Treat do this for a few times until you see the kitten coming for the treat on the click. Next marking the behavior: You will have to show the kitten the hoop. Once the kitten touches the hoop, click, treat. Then show the kitten to go though the hoop once it does click, treat. Continue to do this until the kitten goes though the hoop on its own or your command. Reinforce the behavior Remember to have snacks handy so when you do see your kitten go though the hoop a snack is available.

Training a 
kitten with a clicker can be fun for both you and the kitten.

Taking steps in training will be rewarding to you and the kitten.

 Try not to rush a kitten in training, as they can become confused especially if they did not get the step before down.

 The training will take time and steps to achieve this behavior. Patience, love, and rewards will be the key factor in training your kitten.

The clicker is a good exercises tool for a 
kitten, 10 to 15 mins a day you should get your kitten to exercises. For exercising, you can have the kitten use a hoop, play with a toy, and climb on the scratching post or something that focus on the kitten getting exercise. Exercises will help the kitten to stay healthy and help to keep it out of mischief.

Clickers can come with books to help you train, treats, and a clicker. Clickers come in many different size shapes, and color. You will want to research the clickers out. Check out a pet store, Internet sites give lots of information on training and using a clicker. Check out companies that make the clicker by using Internet to see what kind they offer and any additional information that you might need to get the process of training done. Check out articles about the clicker. Talk to someone that has used one. Talk to your area veterinary about training with a Clicker

Once you have used a clicker, the 
kitten will get good exercise and be a healthy kitten. The kitten will be happier and you will be happier with the new behaviors that you have taught your kitten.

To sum up training your 
kitten, important things to remember is have patience, love and the clicker.