
Are My kittens Fighting Or Playing? How to Tell

Are My kittens Fighting Or Playing? How to Tell, cats fighting,kittens in,cats food
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When you watch your kittens interacting, pretend you're watching a nature show about lions or tigers or leopards (and if you've never seen a tv show like that, look into it!). Sometimes the play/fights among the babies of the pride can get pretty rough. Now, I've never seen an animal parents break up a fight
and I'm sure sometimes a youngster or two do get injured, so you don't want to completely mimic an animal mom or dad, but this background knowledge can help you understand your kittens a little more.
The reason baby leopards and lions, etc. play so roughly with one another is because this play is training them to hunt for food and protect themselves when they're older. The kittens in your house may not have to hunt for their meals anymore, but this wild instinct is still in them. kittens are also very sensitive to social ranking, so play and fights allow them to establish that order and ultimately live peacefully with one another.
When fighting happens too often or becomes too aggressive, your kittens can be injured, aggravated or depressed and they can even begin to lash out at you, your furniture, or develop other unpleasant habits (like spraying or not using their litter boxes). This usually happens due to the poor introduction of a new cat or kitten to an older cat's territory. As you probably know, kittens do have personalities and some, like some people, will never like one another, but that does not mean they cannot live together in peace in the same house.
So how do you know if you rushed your cat's meet-and-greet? When kittens are playing together, they may bite and kick, but they're having fun. You can tell because their ears are perked up and alert, their bodies will bounce around and their tails are relaxed. If one of your kittens has their ears flattened all the way back on their head or their tail is rigid or their hair is stiff and standing up a bit, that kittens is not having fun. Does this mean you should separate your kittens whenever you see one of them posturing like this? Not necessarily, but it should be a warning sign to keep a close eye on their interaction at that moment.
What if you hear hissing, meowing or screeching? Well, sounds don't always mean that your kittens are fighting. After all, kittens don't use words, so all they have are sounds! And while hissing is usually meant as a warning, it can occur during play too. For example, one kitten may hiss just to say they don't like something the other cat is doing and if the offending cat stops, play will continue. I've read other people say that when your kittens are fighting, you'll know because it will be loud. But I always wondered how you're supposed to know how loud is loud? Especially if you don't really want it to get that bad! Well, basically, if you hear your cat's getting louder than what they were before, pay attention! Given the other signs you have to watch out for, you should be able to put together a good idea of whether your kittens are fighting or playing.
But what if you're still unsure about whether your kittens are playing or fighting? Maybe it's their first play/fight session together. I suggest you make a loud noise (clapping or shaking a can of coins) or spray a squirt of water on them (don't overdo it) so that they separate from one another and then watch their reactions after they've stopped. If one cat runs away and hides, it was probably a fight. If they both try to get back together, your kittens were probably playing and confused as to why you made them stop (That is part of the reason why I said don't overdo it before, you definitely do not want to punish your kittens for playing; it will make them really confused and probably even more scared of one another and of you too!).
If your kittens have a fight once and a while, make sure the loser always has a safe place to hide or rest. If one of your kittens always has to be on the lookout for potential attacks, they will start to stress out and the fights will probably increase or at least never get better. But if your kittens are fighting all the time, you may need to re-introduce them to one another all over again, a little slower than before. Make sure lots of treats are involved this time so they begin to associate the other cat with good things and end each introduction session on a good note. Before long, your kittens will be happier and so will you!
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  1. Thank you very much for this guide! My girlfriend and I just adopted a 6-week old runt and brought her into our apartment with a 7-month old one and almost the first thing that happened was the old one batted the other one away from the food dish and it continued from there. I wasn't sure if this was the beginnings of a fight, or just bullying, or just simple play. This will help me know when to not overreact and what to look out for. Thank you very much!

  2. What about if they're littermates? We adopted two female kittens from the same litter. They play around like this a lot but they also cuddle and sleep together a lot. They're both shy so they both tend to run off if I've interrupted a fight.

    1. Mine does as well. Two males from same litter that are 2 months old. They play around and sleep together

  3. i have two 8 week old kittens from different litters and when they are playing or fighting they squeak so i am wondering if they are hurting eachother or just playing

  4. Thanks for helping! I just got 3 cats from the same litter and I kept on seeing them (fight) and once I read your guide I figured out that they were just having fun!

  5. We have a 22 week old runt with kidney failure. He is doing better but, we are worried that he is trying to be the king of the house and pushing himself too far with the fighting/play ? any advice ?

  6. Crate Training is one of the hardest training required for your furry friends.

  7. Thank you so much for this! This really helped me. I have adopted 3 kittens - one month old each. Two of them are tabby kittens and brothers. The third one is a rescued one - a calico female kitten.

  8. Really very nice and helpful article. This is really nice information for pets. you did a good job. Thank you for writing about pets. Please continue to do so.. good luck

  9. If my cats fight with each other or with the dog I stick my hand or foot in between and everyone stops. I sometimes get a few scratches but never anything bad. All of them know to inhibit bites / scratches so no one is ever injured, even when they're really P-d off.

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  10. not sure reintroduce the kittens they are all brothers and sisters from the same litter fighting over nipples starts them off at a young age

  11. Thank you so much for such an informative piece of information :)
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